24 Feb 2023


The Minard Livestock Show and Beef Festival has become a great brand for the agricultural sector as it provides a practical educational experience for our young farmers and was held on November 10, 2022 at the Minard Estates Farm, Brown’s Town, St. Ann.

For this year’s 21st staging the theme “Smart livestock production: Safer, Cleaner, Better” emphasized the national priorities of having adequate, accessible, affordable and wholesome quantities of livestock products and by-products to satisfy local demand, thus ensuring food security for our nation.

See highlights from the Minard Livestock Show and Beef Festival.

Students from Knox Junior School with their prizes from Agro-Invest.
Boys from ages 9 – 12 getting ready to participate in the goat scramble. Winner takes home the goat.
Goats being lined up for the boys and girls mixed Goat Scramble.
05 Jan 2023


On October 20, 2022, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries its Agencies and the Food And Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) celebrated World Food Day 2022, and hosted a National Ceremony and Exhibition held the Vere Technical High School in Hayes, Clarendon under the theme: “Leave no one behind: Better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life for all”

The National Ceremony and Exhibition was geared towards promoting food security, better nutrition and a better life for our Jamaican people. There were a total of 17 exhibitors that participated in the event. Students received lots of prizes  and surprises from our booth and were very keen on learning all about our products and services and what we do as an Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.

Here are a few highlights from the day’s event at our Agro-Invest booth as well as a video link from our IG page.

CLICK THE LINK TO VIEW OUR IG VIDEO:https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cj8elKCvENe/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link


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18 Nov 2022


JOIN Agro-Invest as we host our Agricultural Export Webinar on November 24, 2022, under the theme: “AGRI-EXPORTS IN A GLOBAL MARKET – BREAKING THE BARRIERS…YOUR SUCCESS IS OUR SUCCESS”. The Webinar is geared towards providing relevant information to Agribusiness stakeholders on the process required to become an exporter while addressing the critical areas such as, agricultural export regulations for exporting, the opportunities available for Jamaican exporters, and how to finance an agricultural export business. The webinar seeks to be an engaging one and will see several presenters providing informative content and discussions into key aspects of the agricultural exporting arena.

Objectives of the Webinar: 

The webinar will seek to stimulate interest in the export of agricultural produce.

Specific objectives are:

  • To provide a platform for sharing and learning about exporting Jamaican produce
  • To allow farmers/investors to learn more about the export process
  • To provide a platform for learning about the export opportunities available for Jamaican produce.
  • To provide a platform for learning about the export registration process and regulations.
  • To provide a platform for investors to learn about financing their agribusiness for export.


  • JAMPRO – Topic: ‘Agricultural Export/Market Opportunities’
  • Jamaica Customs Agency – Topic: ‘Export Requirements for Agricultural Produce/Products’
  • Plant Quarantine Produce Inspection – Topic: ‘The Plant Quarantine’s Requirements and Inspection Process for Produce Export’
  • National Peoples Cooperative (PC Bank) – Topic: ‘How to Finance your Agricultural Export Business’

The Agicultural Export Webinar will be presented live on MICROSOFT TEAMS from 10:00am – 12:00pm.

JOIN US LIVE as we look forward to having your presence and participation.

Kindly register using the link: http://bit.ly/3EJjrrl

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 252 227 279 191
Passcode: 7MggvM

05 Sep 2022

Expanded Youth In Agriculture Programme

On Tuesday, August 9, 2022, 9 of 30 youths received their lease agreements through our expanded Youth in Agriculture Programme in conjunction with @jamaica4hclubs and @radajm.

Agro-Investment Corporation is on a fast track to ensure that at least 20% of the Agricultural lands we manage are reserved for the youths to assist them in their agricultural pursuits.

Youths will be placed across our Agro Parks and Production Zones and will plant crops such as sweet potato, hot peppers, okra, tomato, lettuce and several other priorities and cash crops.


04 May 2022



On April 27, 2022, lease agreements were handed over to eleven (11) of the forty (40) youths selected for placement at the Toll Gate Mango Agro Park under the expansion of the Youth in Agriculture Programme.  The programme is expected to:

  1. Increase access to government-owned Agro Park and Production Zone lands for eligible young farmers.
  2. Improve the economic and social status of the youths.
  3. Increase agribusiness knowledge and entrepreneurial skills among young farmers.
  4. Focus on youths and technology and form clusters led by youths to facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration in agribusiness activities.
  5. Create sustainable linkages between young farmers and stakeholders in the agribusiness sector.

Youth investors pose with documents at the handover of leases to 11 investors to be placed on lands across the Agro Parks and Production Zones that are managed by the Agro-Investment Corporation. Ceremony was held at the Toll Gate Mango Agro-Park on April 27, 2022.

04 May 2022



Government will be investing an additional $70 million this financial year to support the extension of irrigation services at the Toll Gate Mango Agro Park in Clarendon. This follows an initial $128 million that was expended by the Ministry to establish irrigation for 60 acres as well as roads and drainage system for the 935-acre property.

“This illustrates a level of commitment to helping you the investors within these agricultural spaces. We want you not just to strive, but we need for you to thrive, and the government has the responsibility of making sure that your investment is protected,” stated Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Pearnel Charles Jr.

The announcement was made at the handover of leases to 13 investors for land at the Toll Gate Mango Agro Park on April 27, 2022.

The investors have committed to invest at least $20 million in the production of high-quality East Indian and St. Julian mangoes on 935 acres of land for export to established markets in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and the Cayman Islands.

The Minister outlined that strategic management and technical support will be provided by the Agro-Investment Corporation (AIC) to the mango investors to foster market linkages and manage the value chain.

He commended the mango investors on their investment and the agencies involved – Agro-Invest, the National Irrigation Commission, the Rural Agricultural Development Authority, and the Jamaica 4-H Clubs – for their contribution to the project, describing it as “an amazing start.

Mango investors pose with documents at the handover of leases to 13 investors for the cultivation of East Indian and St. Julian mangoes on the 935-acre property managed by the Agro-Investment Corporation, held at the Toll Gate Mango Agro-Park on April 27, 2022.

11 Apr 2022





JOIN Agro-Invest as we host our first Hybrid Agribusiness Investment Forum on April 21, 2022, under the theme: “Investments in Agriculture – Driving Food Security”. The forum is intended to highlight the investment opportunities in agriculture while addressing the critical areas such as: land availability for agricultural investments, export opportunities and requirements, access to finance, Agri-entrepreneurship, opportunities in Agro-processing, crop market availability and development, environmental impact on food security, amongst others.

The forum seeks to be an engaging one and will see several speakers providing informative content and discussions into key aspects of the agricultural business sphere.  The Agribusiness Investment Forum will be presented concurrently through two platforms; one is live presentations from guest speakers with an interactive live stream via Zoom that will accommodate 750 – 1000 participants with question-and-answer segments, at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel from 10:00am – 2:00pm. The second is an Outside Broadcast aired on Nationwide News Network with Cliff Hughes during Cliff Hughes Online from 10:00a.m. to 1:00p.m. This format will allow for engagement of participants and the listening public, including current and potential investors locally and overseas, as well as private and public sector stakeholders.

The Honourable Pearnel Charles Jr. will be in attendance to give his keynote address. The Permanent Secretary Dermon Spence, and other distinguished guests will be in attendance.

JOIN US LIVE as we look forward to having your presence and participation.

Kindly register using the link below:


12 Nov 2021

Agro-Invest Corp wants more applicants for Land Owner Match Programme

A year after launching the Agricultural Land Owner Match Programme, Agro-Invest Corporation (AIC) is still hoping to attract applicants who have a minimum of 50 acres of land to let for agricultural production.

The programme, which forms part of the AIC’s mandate of facilitating agricultural investment and development, aims “to get all unused land into agricultural production”.

“We want landowners to apply, and we will do the legwork in finding a suitable investor and creating the match,” AIC explained, adding that the programme will take the hassle of letting away from landowners.

According to Alecia Brown-Forbes, manager of marketing and communications at AIC, the programme is, however, at a standstill due to a lack of enough lessors of arable land.

“The demand is greater than the supply for the simple reason that many of the people offering land do not have the title or paid-up property taxes. These are the main requirements of applying to the programme,” she told Jamaica Observer.

Since the launch of the programme on May 5, 2020, some 773 acres of land — 333 acres in Elim and 400 acres in Greenhouse — have been leased. At the beginning, the corporation used various marketing activities, such as paid radio features, newspaper ads, and social media blitz, to promote the programme. However, as it expanded the programme, it depended heavily on stakeholders as well as the media to promote it.

The Agricultural Land Owner Match Programme has two phases. Under the first phase landowners interested in in letting their land will apply to AIC, which does its due diligence checks on applicants and visits the sites to determine if the property has met the requirements for agricultural production. In the second phase, the corporation promotes available properties for lease to a suitable match.

At present, Brown-Forbes said their is a “long waiting list” of investors who would like to enter lease arrangements. In order to meet the demand of investors, AIC has adjusted its requirements to accommodate individuals who own at least 30 acres of land to apply. So far, she said, applications have come in from Westmoreland, St Ann, St Mary, and St Thomas.

“We can safely say the number of persons wanting land to lease outweighs those willing to lease land, according to the number of applications for government land we receive on a monthly basis,” she added.

Notwithstanding, Brown-Forbes is encouraging investors to continue applying, noting that AIC will provide “technical services which includes agronomy, soil type, PH levels information, [and] market linkages to exporters/manufacturers/hotels”.

Reference Link: Agro-Invest Corp wants more applicants for Land Owner Match Programme (jamaicaobserver.com)

12 Nov 2021

Agro-Invest defends ownership of packing house in Manchester

CEO of Agro-invest Corporation Al Powell

AGRO-INVEST Corporation (AIC) has moved to stake its claim to a packing house facility in Manchester after tensions arose between the government body and New Forest/duff House Water Users group, who both claim that the facility was given to them by the Government of Jamaica.

In a release, AIC revealed that the New Forest/duff House Water Users group has reached out to several media entities with claims of ownership of the packing house facility, but has not to date presented documents to support ownership of the property.

“They’re insisting that the facility is theirs and they want to operate it, and that just cannot be because it is a government facility that’s under our management,” Alecia Brown Forbes, manager of marketing and communications at AIC, reiterated in an interview with the Jamaica Observer.

According to AIC, the packing house facility was developed under the conditions of an investment loan from a multilateral organisation to the Government of Jamaica under the Agricultural Competitiveness Programme. Upon completion of the facility in 2018, and after investing US$18 million in its development, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries instructed the National Land Agency to transfer ownership of the property to the AIC. The handover took place in May 2019.

Since then, Brown Forbes said, the facility has been leased to farmers who wish to use the packing house, which is an “arrangement we have with any other facility that we manage; it’s for the lease to cover overheads and expenditure”.

However, with the New Forest/duff House Water Users group now claiming ownership of the packing house, members of AIC’S board of directors, including both the CEO and chairman, have met with members of that organisation on several occasions to “create an amicable solution to the occupancy of the packing house”.

Forbes Brown also told the

Business Observer that AIC has proposed a public-private partnership with the group for the management, operation and utilisation of the property. As part of the terms of the partnership, both the AIC and the group would appoint four members each, and one independent person, to serve on a joint board of directors, with chairmanship between either organisation.

Moreover, the corporation said it would consider the group as first tenant and would, therefore, provide the necessary support to help it meet the conditions for leasing the property.

“We’ve gone as far as to offer business planning services, because they seemed to be coming around, and they said they would try to work with us and go through the right channel of leasing the facility — and [then] things went downhill. They said that they wanted to purchase a machine to put inside and they actually went ahead and purchased the machine. But things are pretty much at a standstill between the corporation and them, and we are still willing to work with them but they are not willing to work with us,” Forbes Brown pointed out.

However, CEO of AIC

Al Powell told Business

Observer that if the New

Forest/duff House Water Users group wants to manage the operation of the packing house facility, it must first meet certain requirements.

“They must demonstrate the capacity to manage the place, demonstrate that they have a market for the output, demonstrate that they have the equipment to process the goods, and that they have capital to drive the whole process,” he said.

The CEO also disclosed that the corporation has given the group until October 11 to submit information outlining that it has met said requirements.

In justifying the AIC’S ownership of the packing house, he noted: “Agro-invest Corporation is an investment company that manages, among other things, [government-owned] agro-parks. All these agro-parks are equipped with tractors, technical personnel, and with facilities like the one we’re talking about.”

He added that with the Manchester-based packing house comprising over 4,000 square feet, the scope of its management would be out of the reach of the New Forest/ Duff House Water Users group.

Notwithstanding, the AIC indicated that it has “assisted the group in preparing a business plan/proposal for them to seek the necessary financing for their business”.

“They were reassured that investor(s) leasing the property would be tied into a contractual agreement to take produce from farmers within the group and provide market-linkage opportunities,” the corporation continued.


Reference Link: PressReader.com – Digital Newspaper & Magazine Subscriptions