16 Nov 2020

The Hon. Floyd Green Minister Of Agriculture & Fisheries Gets First-Hand View Of Agro Park Flood Disaster

The Hon. Floyd Green, visited our Ebony Agro Park in Clarendon on November 5, 2020, to ascertain the damage caused to investors’ farms by the heavy rainfall throughout October into November. Our Agro Parks team had recently completed a full assessment of the damage and losses to investors’ crops which amounted to approximately $132M. This information was passed on to the Minister as he toured each farmers’ plot and had discussions with them as to the actual crops that were ravaged by the heavy rains.

Our farmers are resilient and are making the necessary preparations to activate their recovery plans. Minister Green has assured them that the Ministry will be providing them with assistance through RADA for a speedier recovery.

07 Sep 2020


The Holland property was transferred under the management of the Agro-Investment Corporation (AIC) which has the mandate to package, promote and facilitate investment opportunities in Agriculture. This facilitation of investment is being done in collaboration with other stakeholders and investors by creating a climate hospitable to investment. In the process, the Management is focusing on funds mobilization, building partnerships and developing relationships with the private sector through the leveraging of government owned assets.


The property which is approximately 935.52 hectares (2400 acres) will be developed into an Agro-Economic Zone; which is the central point for agri-business development in the parish. This Agro-Economic Zone will promote economies of scale (large scale production) and economies of scope (diversification of production) at each point along the value chain. The Agro-Economic Zone will create an environment where advanced technologies will be integrated into the existing systems, to boost production and productivity.


The value chain will be developed to include the following:

  • Continuous research and development
  • Inputs of the highest quality
  • Good agricultural practices for crop production
  • Efficient harvesting techniques
  • Robust storage facilities (cold and dry)
  • Efficient and effective transportation services
  • Innovative and scientific agro-processing techniques
  • Sustainable waste management practices
  • Effective and innovative marketing strategies


The Agro-Economic Zone (AEZ) will attract and retain profitable investors while providing support services that will make them competitive both locally and internationally. All the activities conducted in the zone will be geared towards food security, job creation, rural development, and economic growth. In addition, there will be introduction of climate smart agriculture and technologies, and a fully integrated value chain system which will potentially lead to overall sustainable national development of the country.


There are approximately 230 investors/farmers interviewed and placed on the property and with the support of the Agro Invest Corporation many of these farmers have already commenced production or preparing for production.

The 2400 acre zone will comprise farms, as well as packaging and processing facilities.  The project is expected to provide jobs for over 900 persons.

There is a potential investor that has expressed an interest in setting up a complex to engage in full grading, packaging, processing and marketing.  Agro Invest is now in the process of ensuring the property has proper fencing and security in place. There will be complete monitoring of the property.

12 Jun 2020

Hon. Audley Shaw visits the Spring Plain Agro-Park

The Hon. Audley Shaw, Minister of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries, witnessed first-hand on Friday, June 5, 2020, the packing of  some 10,000 pounds of West Indian Red Peppers from Mr. Gary Coulton’s farm. These peppers are reaped weekly and supplied to GraceKennedy Foods Agro Processing Facility in Hounslow St. Elizabeth, for use in a wide range of food items for local and international consumers. This is a great strategic partnership between GK Foods and Jamaican farmers on our Agro Parks. Also present to witness the occasion were Dr. Al Powell CEO – Agro Invest, Vitus Evans – Chairman Agro Invest,  Mrs. Maureen Denton – General Manager GK Foods, Agro Invest’s Team, MICAF’s Communications and Public Relations Team and members of the media.

The Spring Plain Agro Park, is one of the 7 Agro Parks managed by the Agro Investment Corporation and is Global Gap Certified. It consists of 705 acres, with 602 acres being irrigated. All acreages are leased out. There are currently 21 investors/ farmers on the Park including 5 females, at reaping time over 100 persons are hired. Seasonal crops produced on the farm includes onion, peppers, scotch bonnet, cassava, lettuce, okra, cauliflower, pak choi, sweet potato, Irish potato and carrots.

Agriculture is of great strategic importance to the Government and we at Agro Invest, will continue to invest millions of dollars to upgrade agricultural technology, support farmers and incorporate agricultural best practices to assure food security for all.

25 May 2020


We at the Agro-Investment Corporation would like to say a BIG THANK YOU for the overwhelming support received in response to Jamaica’s FIRST Drive-Thru Farmers’ Market hosted by us at our AMC Complex on April 29 and May 1, 2020.  This venture was undertaken in an effort to collaborate with farmers and purveyors across the island in getting excess produce sold. The event was a great success as all produce acquired was sold off in record time.

As with any new project there will be glitches and this event was no different. With that said, we apologise sincerely to all those who purchased produce bags and were somewhat dissatisfied with what they received especially during our first staging on April 29.

After the event, we went back to the drawing board and corrected most if not all of the areas we fell short on. For the second staging on May 1, the event ran smoothly and we are hoping that persons who supported the venture were pleased with their purchases. Many persons applauded our efforts and for that we are most grateful.

We would like to thank our Minister of State in the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries, Hon. Floyd Green for his tremendous support, as well as RADA, JIS, Jamaica Gleaner, Nationwide News, ZJ Sparks at ZIPFM, Paula-Ann Porter at RJR, Carol Francis at the Public Broadcasting Corporation of Jamaica, Althea McKenzie at POWER 106, Ron Muschette at MelloFM88 and countless others who assisted greatly in making the venture a success.

Agro-Invest’s mandate is to facilitate and promote agri-business investments and seeks to invite anyone interested in investing in agriculture to contact us at: www.agroinvest.gov.jm or info@agroinvest.gov.jm as well as through our social media pages.

25 May 2020

Customers Swarm Drive-Thru Farmers’ Market

The overwhelming turnout to Jamaica’s first ever Drive-Thru Farmers’ Market at the Agricultural Marketing Corporation (AMC) complex on Spanish Town Road yesterday tested the endurance of staff who were kept on their feet filling orders at a blistering pace.

Vehicles lined the roadway going all the way back to Marcus Garvey Drive as the operators tried to maintain social distancing for the initiative which got under way at 10 o’clock.

Frayed nerves snapped as demand for prepackaged fresh vegetables and fruits selling for $1,000 and $1,500 seemed to be outstripping demand. With one cashier station collecting money and issuing tickets, things were going slowly, even as staff scurried to serve customers.

The venture, coordinated by the Agro-Investment Corporation, was organised to help farmers stuck with surpluses since the outbreak of COVID-19 caused economic fallout globally and domestically.

A woman who gave her name as Blondie was in a no-nonsense mood after waiting in line for more than an hour before being told she would not be allowed to buy all she wanted.

“We appreciate the effort, but the fact is, we have been in the line from 10:05 down at Three Miles. When we were at the gate, we were told that is only three bags per car … . Now we get in, it’s two bags per car. I’m upset, man,” she said.

Another woman who had taken money from two persons shared her dilemma with The Gleaner, and explained that she was now in a quandary as to which of her friends to disappoint. “I did call and they told me that I could buy many,” she lamented.


Meanwhile, Marva Keane, who had been voicing discontent about the two bags of produce she had tried to secure – one for herself and another for her son – had calmed down by the time she spoke with The Gleaner.

“I believe in helping the farmers to offset their difficulties, and also I see where I am getting some benefits from what is happening,” said Keane.

“I have been buying from other people who were in New Kingston and up at the Ministry of Agriculture (Hope Gardens) and I got a whole host of things – fruit and vegetables – and I was very happy.”

Agro-Investment Corporation CEO Al Powell, who was on location monitoring proceedings, had already decided on a few refinements to improve the service delivery flow for tomorrow’s market. Adding at least one other cashier station would be critical.

“There are hundreds of cars all over the place. We have to aim for a five-to-seven-minute time frame where the customers come, pay their money, collect their packages and leave,” Powell told The Gleaner.

Powell is also hopeful that the AMC could become a distribution hub for farmers who have run into hard times with traditional markets, such as the hotel sector, shuttered because of the coronavirus pandemic.

“We hear that the farmers are dumping eggs, so we could help to accommodate them by allowing them to bring their produce here and provide an outlet for sale,” he said.

“We can also offer to accommodate the farmers in St Elizabeth who are having difficulty selling their melon, so the scope for improving on what we offer, while helping our farmers, is wide open.”

Source: http://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/lead-stories/20200430/customers-swarm-drive-thru-farmers-market

25 Apr 2020




KINGSTON, Jamaica– The Agro-Investment Corporation, located at the AMC Complex, 188 Spanish Town Road, will be hosting its very first Drive-Thru Farmers’ Market on April 29 and May 1, 2020 and the Media is invited to cover this novel farmers’ market. “Farmers markets play a critical role in providing fresh, nutritious and locally-produced food products to customers across Jamaica” and this initiative has been developed in an effort to collaborate with farmers and purveyors across the country in getting excess fresh produce sold. Our Agro Parks with its Global Gap Certification, along with other certified farms will be supplying the fresh vegetables and ground provisions.

The gates will open at 10am to 4pm at 188 Spanish Town Road, Kingston 11 and the drive in purchasers will have a turnaround time of 7-10 minutes. Fresh produce consisting of lettuce, cucumber, cabbage, Irish potato, sorrel, scotch bonnet pepper, cantaloupe, zucchini, scallion, onion, tomato and melon, will be packaged into 20 and 25 pound bags at a cost of $1000.00 and $1500.00 respectively.

As a precaution, and to assist in fighting against the Novel Coronavirus, persons entering the AMC complex must be wearing a mask covering the nose and mouth. They will be subjected to a temperature check, in addition to a sanitization exercise in keeping with the mandate set by the Ministry of Health and Wellness.

The support of the media will be most welcomed as we seek to ensure the success of this venture.

For further information please contact Mrs Alecia Brown-Forbes at 876 -878-0616 or our offices at:

Agro-Investment Corporation

188 Spanish Town Road, Kingston 11

876-923-0086/ 876-923-9268





FB: @agroinvestja

The Agro-Invest Corporation is the agri-business facilitation arm within the Ministry of Investment Commerce Agriculture and Fisheries (MICAF), with a focus on agricultural investment, promotion, project development and market development. The Corporation covers the investment chain from the identification of agricultural opportunities straight through to long-term business performance monitoring and technical support. The Agro-Invest seeks to activate, stimulate, facilitate and undertake agricultural development for economic advancement and the well-being of the Jamaican people.

The Corporation is a merger of the Agricultural Marketing Corporation (AMC), the Agricultural Development Corporation (ADC) and the Agricultural Support Services Project (ASSP). The organization celebrated its 11th year of existence in April of this year.

One of the areas of focus for the Corporation is the AGRO PARKS. An Agro Park represents an area of intensive, contiguous, parcel of land for agricultural production which seeks to integrate all facets of the agricultural value chain from pre-production to production, post harvesting and marketing. It comes with infrastructure like irrigation, tractor services, technical support for agricultural production and marketing.

A functional area of any Agro Park is clustering which presents many benefits, such as creating an enabling environment for interfirm cooperation, facilitating the diffusion of innovations, and acting as a means to efficiently channel public support to increase competitiveness in the agricultural sector. Investors/ Farmers and firms can benefit from participating in ACs, as they enjoy evident joint-action advantages and agglomeration economies.

26 Mar 2020


Jamaicans are being encouraged to purchase more locally grown fresh produce as world trade slows in light of the spread of Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19).

These produce are an important part of a healthy diet because they contain essential vitamins, minerals fibre and other nutrients needed to build the immune system.

Minister of State in the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries, Hon. Floyd Green, who issued the call while on a tour of a farm in St. Catherine, on March 19, urged consumers to check the labels to ensure the produce is coming from Jamaican farms.

“By doing so, we are encouraging our farmers. It also represents an opportunity for us to try new produce that are grown in Jamaica such as cantaloupe, honey dew and romaine lettuce. We must recognise that anything grown in Jamaica is of a high quality. Support our farmers during this COVID- 19 crisis and support Jamaica,” he urged.

Mr. Green also encouraged farmers to still go out into their fields as “we are depending on you”.

“The Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries is here to help you and will help you in this difficult time. We know that you are the best at what you do,” he said.

Mr. Green’s remarks follow recent assurances given that there are adequate supplies of agricultural produce available for the next three months as well as other items such as eggs, poultry, and fish. Assurance has also been given that that there are adequate farm inputs available such as seeds to last throughout the year.

In the meantime, St. Catherine farmer, Terry Allijohn also echoed similar sentiments to Mr. Green encouraging people to purchase locally grown produce and for other farmers across the island to go into their own fields and continue with the business of farming.

“We need persons to buy our local produce. This represents an opportunity for our farmers to promote the importance of farmers to the country and the vital role they place in ensuring food security,” he said.

Source: https://www.micaf.gov.jm/content/jamaicans-encouraged-purchase-locally-grown-produce-light-covid-19-spread

26 Mar 2020


State Minister in the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries, Hon. Floyd Green, has expressed satisfaction that key stakeholders in the distributive trade have been ramping up production of foodstuff in light of the threat of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
“All the manufacturers and importers present have indicated that they have at least two to three months’ worth of stock and we expect that there will not be any shortage across the sector especially in critical food items,” Mr. Green said.
“We want to indicate to the country that we seem to be fairly secure with basic food items,” he continued.
Mr. Green was speaking at a special meeting of the distributive trade, at the Ministry’s Hope Gardens offices in Kingston, on March 10.
Among the attendees to the meeting were representatives from the National Baking Company, MegaMart Jamaica, Wisynco, GraceKennedy, Caribbean Broilers, Jamaica Broilers, Rainforest Seafoods, Sugar Industry Authority, Jamaica Gasolene Retailers Association, Chas E. Ramson, Jamaica Biscuit Company Limited, Jamaica Flour Mills, and Lillan Limited.
Discussions surrounded the strategies being implemented by businesses to deal with the threat of the disease, levels of business readiness and the availability of a business continuity plan should they be affected among other things.
Meanwhile, Mr. Green noted that the Ministry through its established taskforce headed by the Permanent Secretary, has been “keeping a pulse” on the happenings in the trade sector and will continue to monitor the situation.
“We have increased our visits to supermarkets and clearly we are going to be paying keen attention to things like prices,” he indicated.

Source: https://www.micaf.gov.jm/content/state-minister-industry-expresses-satisfaction-sufficient-levels-foodstuff-light-coronavirus

28 Feb 2020

USAID Farmer to Farmer (F2F)

USAID Farmer to Farmer (F2F) has contributed to strengthening of human and institutional capacity at Minard Estates Farm. During the course of the program USAID F2F has provided technical assistance and capacity building in the following areas:

  1. Policy development
  2. GIS farm mapping
  3. Artificial Insemination training
  4. Cattle Handling best practices

A team from USAID Framer to Farmer is presently at Minard Estates providing technical assistance in farm tractor operation and maintenance from February 3 – 13, 2020.

24 Feb 2020

Former Monymusk workers welcome agricultural project by gov’t

CLARENDON, Jamaica — Former Monymusk Sugar Factory worker, Kamone Campbell, believes she has been “tossed a lifeline” with the launch of an agricultural project designed to create sustainable employment and a better way of life for former factory employees.

She is among a group of 15 people who are to benefit under the agricultural component of the Government’s socio economic programme for former employees of the factory, which seeks to facilitate alternative employment for the displaced workers and their dependents following the closure of the facility in 2018.

The project is a collaborative one with the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries, the Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA), the National Irrigation Commission (NIC) Limited, the Agro-Investment Corporation and the HEART Trust/ NTSA.

It will see a total of 164 acres of land in Hermitage, Clarendon being leased, and subdivided into smaller tracts of land between two and five acres, on a phased basis, to grow crops.

“This will benefit us a lot because we have families. We have children going to school and we are not working. If we are doing something like a cash crop, it can help to pay the mortgage, send the children to school and can employ some people,” she said.

Campbell, who is now unemployed after working two years with the sugar factory, noted that she is eager to begin planting so that she will be able to provide for herself and family.

“This means a lot to me. To sit down at home not doing anything is very hard because nobody is giving you anything. I am happy to know that I am doing something that can benefit everybody. Although I am not a farming person, I am willing to try and see how this works out,” she said.

Another beneficiary, Solomon Anderson, who has been with the factory for over 20 years, is equally happy to be involved in the farming project.

“Once we get this assistance, I will be able to help myself and to send my child to school. I will also be able to help the country,” he explained.

In remarks at the launch of the project in Hermitage, Clarendon, on February 20, Chief Executive Officer of the Agro-Investment Corporation, Dr Alexander Powell, said his organisation screened the beneficiaries to determine their commitment to the project and financial capabilities.

Powell urged the beneficiaries to read the contract documents carefully because it details payment terms, effective date of lease, conditions for renewal of lease, among other information.

“We are confident that the farmers selected are committed and dedicated to the achievement of the objectives of the project and that it will deliver employment, income and revenue and other growth and environmental services. This will be beneficial to the farmers, their family, the community and Jamaica at large,” he said.

Meanwhile, State Minister in the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries, Floyd Green encouraged the farmers to “plant what works” in the area, especially castor bean, which has been gaining significance across the world.

He pointed out that two wells, which have been located in the surrounding areas, are to be tested by the NIC to test their use for irrigation to the fields.


Source: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/latestnews/Former_Monymusk_workers_welcome_agricultural_project